Sunday, December 25, 2011

Denise Austin Diet & Workout

She is the queen of fitness and has been for years. Still fit and fabulous over 40, Denise Austin wants to show you how to have super longevity and look great while you’re at it.

Fitness experts say that getting healthy and maintaining a healthy weight is a combination of diet and exercise. You have to use the right fuel to keep the body operating at peak performance. To get it in the best shape possible requires expending that energy through aerobic and muscle-building routines.

Denise says that when you eat right and get fit, you also feel great. Here program is designed to do just that for people of all ages. It is never too late to boost your health. Denise’s Diet and Workout program is three-fold, combining food, fitness and motivational tools to help you get started and stay on the program until you complete your goals.

What you need to do:

First, go to her online site and take part in the free weight loss plan. Here, you enter your measurements and answer a series of questions. The site will generate a profile for you based on your answers. The profile will offer you a daily caloric intake for your size and the weight that you want to lose. Using your BMI (body mass index) results, details are given about the state of your health right now.

You are then given a choice of whether to sign up for the program or not. The online program runs around $20 and this includes four weeks of online tools and support along with exercise videos and equipment.

For the online features, you are given access to hundreds of recipes and meal plans that include foods you will like to eat. You can then use your daily caloric intake as a guide to create a meal plan that fits your individual needs. This includes meals and snacks.

There is also a personalized exercise plan to help you shed those pounds a little faster. Denise is the star of over 60 workout videos and can recommend one or three for you to use whether you are just starting out with exercise or you are an old pro. Her exercise routines include both aerobic activity to build up your heart, lungs and endurance and strength training to build calorie-burning muscle and reshape your entire body.

There are many tools on the website including those designed to motivate you as you proceed on your weight loss journey. You’ll find tips on how to develop and maintain healthy habits for eating and exercise. There are also sections that cater to people at every stage of their lives. Each unique challenge is met with advice, tips and other ways to still stay fit and lose weight.

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